18:00 – 19:00
Innovation Stage

Navigating the Creative Jungle: Collaboration and copyrights through Yuify by Wacom


Join us for an enlightening event session on Wacom Yuify, the innovative digital rights management tool designed to empower artists and creators. Discover how Wacom's commitment to bringing people and technology together led to the development of Yuify, a tool designed to safeguard and maximize the value of your creative work. We will cover topics like: Copyright Protection: Learn how Yuify enables artists to record and manage their artwork permissions, proof their authorship, and protect their creations with invisible watermarking technology. Immutable Authorship Records: Understand how Yuify utilizes technology to create secure and permanent records of your artistic creations. Yuifinder: Explore how the public tool, Yuifinder, can be used to verify the authorship of artworks, making it easier for creators to protect their intellectual property. License Builder: Get hands-on experience with the License Builder tool, a user-friendly solution that allows you to create customized license terms, making collaboration and licensing straightforward and legally robust. Learn about Yuify from first hand experience or hear what a creative have to say about Yuify solving some of their problems as an artist.