10:30 – 11:30
Grand Hall

Embracing the Legacy of Yamanaka Lacquerware as Woodworking Merchants.


In this talk, we will dive into the inception of the Mikio Gado Shop and Masayuki's personal journey as the fourth-generation steward of their family legacy. Join us on an enriching expedition as we unravel the enigmatic tapestry of Yamanaka Onsen, history of Yamanaka lacquerware, and the intricate web of the industry's inner workings. This journey spans two decades, striving to harmoniously blend the realms of tradition and modernity." 山中漆器 木地屋商人として誇り高く 我戸幹男商店の原点と、四代目となる私の道について語ります。 20年にわたる伝統と現代の融合を試み、山中温泉、山中漆器の歴史、そして産業の奥深い構造 - これらの秘密を探る旅に、共に出発しましょう。