Week 1.
Last Monday Team Mapo finally reunited and we excitedly started our journey on project “Signal”. Although we had a concept in our heads that we were happy with, we knew that there is a long way in front of us.
First meeting with the Tribe.
We started our week with brainstorming about possible stories, styles and goals that we have for our project. From other projects that we had worked on before we knew that it is very easy to overload ourselves with ideas and to quickly create a mess on the desk, computer or our head. So one of the first things we had to do is setting up a shared Drive folder, a Docs document we can both write things in and most importantly a Miro project, where we can visually display all our ideas on a massive digital whiteboard.
Our shared Miro page to collect and brainstorm ideas.
Even though we already had some ideas in common that we liked it was quite hard to put them in order, so on Tuesday Kevin Young, our main mentor, helped us to put those ideas into smaller sections, which we then can more easily focus on and explained some strategies he likes to use for his own projects.
We clarified that during the “discovery stage” of our project, which we are in at the moment, we mainly have to focus on 4 core question marks that need to be turned into exclamation marks:
- Story
- Aesthetics
- Mechanics
- Technology
To be able to dig deeper and start prototyping for our interactive VR story we first needed to get one obstacle out of the way. We didn’t own a VR headset. So after some research and sending a ton of requests to people online we got ourselves a headset. We picked it up on wednesday and now we were able to try anything we could imagine in the huge world of virtual reality.
Mapo and the baby
Thursday and Friday we focused on two main things, writing concepts for the story of our immersive VR experience and and prototyping first mechanics for the navigaiton within the VR world.
Andrey in the VR world.
Sebastian testing out VR drawing softwares. His POV is displayed on the phone.
We are looking forward to the next steps of our journey. More to come soon!
Team Mapo