Our goals for Week 6 is as follows:

  • A first look at Tribe experience, and our initial learnings from launching togather.fun!
  • Contact with brushmakers in Photoshop (Kyle Brushes) and Procreate (1st pt of contact Nate Clegg) to help us create great tutorials for our users & make brushes available to download on togather.fun
  • Continue clarifying user journeys for the app
  • Structuring and initial storyline of the pitch

It is snowing here in Amsterdam, which isn't too unfortunate for our project. It's a great moment perhaps, to hold off from collecting and making more placeholders from our side and see what's already at our disposable in our homes, make digital brushes out of those and make them available in our platform to inspire people from the indoors!

Gathering ain't just a physical thang, it's a way of life, a state of mind! ;)

Stay safe and warm everybody.